Essential Oils – Effective Laundry Stain Remover

Removing stains especially on your laundry is sometimes a long and frustrating process. You would use any cleaning agent just to remove stinky, stubborn stains.

But these cleaning agents are loaded with chemicals which are not safe to your delicate hands plus the fact that they can destroy the fabric of your favorite shirts. If you’re not wearing any gloves when doing your cleaning, you might get chemical allergies resulting to dryness, redness and itchiness.

Now, you don’t want allergies and discomfort to happen, right?

Essential Oils As Stain Remover

There are several essential oils you can use and will give you satisfying results. Certain essential oils can help break any stubborn stain.

They can also mask the stinky smell with their sweet scent. You can safely mix them with other natural products to make cleaning more effective while being gentle on your skin.

Most common essential oils used for this purpose are lemon oil, and other citrus oils like grapefruit, lime, and mandarin. Included in the list are rosemary, clove, cinnamon, eucalyptus, and lavender oils.

Below are recipes you can make at home.

To Remove Ketchup, Oil, or Grease Stains
lemon oil, 20 drops
liquid castile soap, 2tbsp
hydrogen peroxide, ¼ cup
container, 8oz amber glass spray bottle

Mix all ingredients, except cornstarch, in the spray bottle container. Then spray on the stain, sprinkle the cornstarch on top and leave to soak for 10 minutes. Rinse well and wash your clothes as you normally would.

Note: Hydrogen peroxide is strong and may cause discoloration on your clothes.

To Remove Ink Stains
lemon oil, 10 drops
rosemary oil, 10 drops
vegetable glycerine and cream of tartar, equal parts
container, amber glass bottle Mix vegetable glycerine, cream of tartar and essential oils. Rub mixture onto the stain and leave for 15 minutes. Then rinse off with warm water. Repeat the steps if necessary, then do your usual washing of clothes.

To Remove Blood Stains
lemon oil, 20 drops
liquid castile soap, 2 tbsp
hydrogen peroxide, ¼ cup
Cold water
container, amber glass spray bottle

Mix ingredients in amber glass container. Spray on the stain and leave for 30 minutes. After 30 minutes, soak garment in cold water overnight and wash the next day

To Remove Coffee or Tea Stains
grapefruit oil, 7 drops
lemon oil, 7 drops
borax, 1tsp
hot water, 1 cup
container, amber glass spray bottle

Add all ingredients in the container and shake well to mix. Spray on the stain, rinse with cold water and do your usual washing.

To Remove Sweat Stains

orange oil, 5 drops
lemon oil, 10 drops
baking soda, 1 tbsp
salt, 1 tbsp
container, amber glass bottle with wide opening

Mix all ingredients and add water to make a paste. Rub on the stain and leave for an hour before washing.

To Remove Stains caused by Red Fruits
eucalyptus oil, 5 drops
lemon oil, 5 drops
vegetable glycerine
cream of tartar
hot water
container, amber glass bottle

Mix cream of tartar, eucalyptus and lemon oils and store in amber bottle. Rub a little amount of the mixture on the stain, leave for 10 minutes then rinse in hot water. Repeat until stain is completely removed. Then rub the glycerine on the stain and put the garment to wash.

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