How To Properly Wash Your Hair – The Right Way

After a hard day’s work and exposing your hair on the road, you’d long for a good relaxing shower. It not only cleanses your hair, it’s therapeutic too.

Washing hair is rather mundane — you might not put too much thought on the process but you’d be surprised that there’s more to just “wash-rub-rinse”. There’s a good chance that what you are doing right now could cause more damage to your strands.

Read on and see what you’ve been missing or doing wrong.

Filtered Water and Temperature

It is recommended that you filter your water to remove dust and minerals that can dull color, and deposit on hairs – especially on blondes making them dark and muddy.

Use warm water when rinsing your hair to open the cuticle, thus removing dirt trapped in the hair. Warm water also helps the scalp and hair absorb the oil in your conditioner.

Use cold water for your final rinse to close the cuticle, to seal both essential oils and conditioner your hair needs.  This will make your hair look shine better!

Choice of Shampoo and Conditioner

Your choice of shampoo and conditioner heavily depends on your hair type. For example, dry and frizzy hair benefits more from creamy or moisturizing shampoos. Dyed hair should be treated with a color-safe shampoo. For fine hair types, you can use shampoo that can add some volume to your hair. And if your hair is treated, choose protein-based shampoos.

Lastly, for coarse and curly hair, a shampoo with macadamia, shea butter, almond oil or wheat germ oil can soften and tame it.


Washing your hair depends on your hair type too. For normal or dry hair, you can shampoo at least three times a week. For fine and oily hair, or someone who exercises and sweats a lot; and those living in very humid places, frequent washing is recommended.

If your hair is styled with keratin treatment, you may not need to wash your hair more than once a week. Shampoo-ing often will add more stress to your hair after treatment and make them dry.

For thick and curly hair, once a week of shampooing is recommended.


When you shampoo, start at the roots gently. Avoid circular motion for this can tangle, break and frizz hair cuticles.  Use vertical strokes with light massage to stimulate hair growth and increase blood flow to the scalp.

So remember, you only need to shampoo the hair at the scalp for they are the youngest and the oiliest. More often, the end part of the hair is the oldest and the driest, so shampoo is not a good idea on this part.

If you have dandruff, rotate shampoos you often use or switch to shampoo with salicylic acid or use natural essential oils.

Conditioning Your Hair

After you’ve rinsed out the shampoo, spread the conditioner evenly on your hair starting from the mid section to the tip. Leave it on for 2-4 minutes then rinse out completely.

For drier and longer hair, it is advised to let the conditioner stay up to 10 minutes. You can use a shower cap or clip it up. Do not apply conditioner at the roots of your hair because the natural oil is concentrated on that part.

If you have long hair, condition first before you shampoo. This maybe new to you, but by doing this, ends of the hair are protected from further damage and drying out..

Leave-in conditioners after showering also help strengthen hair and make styling easier — this is for both men and women.


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