Magnetic Bracelets: Do They Really Work?

With alternative medicine so popular today — and so many claiming they are effective, you can’t help asking yourself which of these are truly helpful.

One hotly debated product is the ‘magnetic bracelet’. Magnetic bracelets are typically made from iron, copper, or alloys. Magnetic Bracelet Therapy has been widely known as being effective to lessen migraine headaches, improves circulation, relieves pain due to arthritis and some assert that it can eliminate cancer cells.

History Of Magnetic Therapy

Earliest Known Use of Magnets for Medicinal Purposes
Ancient Egypt, the time when magnets were first considered for therapeutic purposes. During that time, believers contemplated that magnets have living energy. For ancient Egyptians, wearing magnets or holding them close to the body would render healing energy to the circulation and fight diseases or reduce chronic pain.

But then of course, with lack of scientific studies, this type of therapy was considered practically worthless and unrecognized.

1970 Study
Magnetic healing products regain its popularity in the field of medicine when a study in the 70’s supported the positive effects they can give. According to the 1970 theory, the magnetism from the bracelet will increase electrical conductivity of the blood, thus improving the efficiency of blood flow. The more efficient the blood flow, the more favorable for the body to heal itself especially in managing pain.

But many in the scientific community still consider the studies have very little to no evidence.

Mixed Reviews in the new millennium

Some claimed magnetic bracelets worn by many do work on pains and in treating ailments.

Researchers had conducted a study focusing on individuals aging 40 to 80 years with osteoarthritis and were made to wear magnetic bracelets with different magnetic strengths. After 3 months of study, they said that persons with higher strength magnets had decreased pain of the hip and knee than with those wearing the weaker one. But no evidence provided about magnetic bracelets on treating ailments and other severe diseases.

In a different study, researchers also concluded that magnets were not effective in treating pain, inflammation and physical function. In their study, they had proven that magnetic bracelets simply don’t work, because their findings suggested that a significant (but impractically) higher strength of magnetism is needed for magnetic bracelets to be considered useful.

Lately, many agreed that magnetic and even copper wristbands have no more effect on clinical treatments than placebos. They were even considered dangerous therapeutic devices and warn people to be careful in wearing them, especially if they have a pacemaker or using an insulin pump.

However, as long you are not using any treatment device that can be disturbed by magnetism, using magnetic therapy bracelets are mainly harmless. Countless of anecdotal claims and testimonials attest its effectiveness. It’s really up to you if you believe them or not but one should not replace proper medical treatment of general health deficiencies

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