Natural Body Hair Removal Treatment

Hair is everywhere and perhaps in some parts we do not want hair to grow. Evolutionarily-speaking, hair’s main function is to protect parts of our body and serve as means to keep us warm on sensitive areas.

Body hair is essential in human physical development. Men may develop hair in some areas more than women but women may also fall victim to unwanted facial hair or growth in areas that give little awkwardness or embarrassment especially if it is out of control.

Removal Is Must But Can Be Quite Daunting

There are many ways to remove unwanted body hair – from plucking with tweezers, to shaving with razors, to waxing, to electrolysis and to laser hair removal. But to your dismay, these remedies may not give you the smoother and cleaner skin you wish to have. Some of them may cause skin irritation and/or will cost you a lot of money.

So how about trying natural methods to get rid of unwanted hair?  They are cheaper, easy to make with ingredients found in your own kitchen. No more tweezer-tears, no more shaving cuts.

These simple methods will slow down hair re-growth and leave your skin unscarred.

Body Sugaring: Honey, Sugar, and Lemon for legs and arms

Note: Lemon juice acts as astringent and natural bleach- will lighten the color of your body hair.

  1. Mix 1 cup granulated white sugar and ¼ cup honey in a glass bowl or in an enamel. Squeeze 1 fresh lemon juice into the mixture.
  2. Heat in a microwave for 3 minutes or on medium heat to a boil while stirring constantly to make a smooth paste.
  3. Let the mixture cool down at room temperature. Wash the target area and dust some cornstarch or plain flour on your skin.
  4. Use a spatula or a butter knife to spread a thin layer on your skin in the direction of the hair growth.
  5. Cover the area with a strip of cloth, press to stick to the paste and pull in the opposite direction of the hair growth.

Egg White and Cornstarch Remedy for facial hair

Note: Egg white is very sticky making it a perfect mask for removing unwanted facial hair. Cornstarch makes it stickier and easier to pull out even the most stubborn hair.

  1. Mix 1 egg white, 1 tablespoon sugar and ½ tablespoon cornstarch into a mixing bowl to make a paste.
  2. Apply on your face and let it dry for 20 – 25 minutes.
  3. It becomes a face mask as soon as it dries.
  4. After the given time, carefully pull the mask out.
  5. Apply 2-3 times a week to completely remove facial hair.

Papaya and Turmeric

Note: The tropical fruit, papaya is rich with enzyme papain which breaks down hair follicle and slows down hair growth. A good exfoliates even for sensitive skin. Turmeric, as an herbal plant has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties leaving the skin healthy and glowing.

  1. Papaya – peeled, sliced and grinds to make a paste.
  2. Mix ½ teaspoon of turmeric powder with 1-2 tablespoons of raw papaya paste.
  3. Apply mixture on your face or legs and leave for 15 -20 minutes then wash off with water.
  4. For effective results, repeat once or twice a week.

Tips before Application
For best results, it is recommended to have a steam bath before applying any hair removal treatments.

If you are experiencing any unusual hair growth on any parts of your body, better see a doctor for a thorough examination

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