Nourishing Broth Recipe

This bone broth recipe tastes damn good… so it’s a bonus that it’s also super nourishing. I was first introduced to a broth recipe a few years ago by a personal trainer and although the idea of simmering a chicken carcass was a bit strange to me to start with – I now can’t get enough of my homemade broth. It’s great for your gut, inhibits infections AND promotes healthy joints courtesy of compounds extracted from the boiled down cartilage.

BrothBone Broth


  • 1 chicken carcass with all meat removed
  • ½ cup apple cider vinegar
  • 3L filtered water
  • 3 celery stalks, halved
  • 3 carrots, halved
  • 3 onions, quartered (optional – you can add other veggies if you wish)
  • Handful of fresh parsley or other herbs
  • Sea salt


  1. Place bones in a pot or a crockpot, add apple cider vinegar and water, and let the mixture sit for 1 hour so the vinegar can leach the mineral out of the bones.
  2. Add more water if needed to cover the bones.
  3. Add the vegetables bring to a boil and skim the scum from the top and discard.
  4. Reduce to a low simmer, cover, and cook for 4-6 hours
  5. During the last 10 minutes of cooking, throw in a handful of fresh parsley for added flavor and minerals.
  6. Let the broth cool and strain it
  7. Add sea salt to taste and drink the broth as is or store in fridge up to 5 to 7 days or freezer up to 6 months for use in soups or stews.


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