Spelt – The Healthy Ancient Grain

Have you heard of the grain, spelt?

Spelt (Triticum spelta) is one of the oldest cultivated crops in the history. It belongs to a family of wheat and usually known as dinkel wheat in Germany, farro wheat in Italy, or hulled wheat because it is covered by a tough outer husk or hull which protects the grain against disease-carrying insects and toxic pesticides; preserving the freshness and nutritive value of the grain.

Over the years, spelt has been unavailable in the market because many favored the hybridized version of wheat, rice, and corn which produce higher yield and free-threshing kernels. These grains were harvested and processed into flours in a single method, while spelt was more costly to cultivate and processed because each spelt grain should be mechanically de-hulled before it can be milled into flour.


But recently, spelt has regained its fame because of the gro

wing interest of many in more healthful foods. And because spelt is rich in nutrients and essential organic compounds that other grains don’t contain, it resurfaced in supermarkets with a slightly higher price tag as flour, spelt berries (de-hulled, whole grain) and spelt milk.

Some countries like Bavaria and Belgium use spelt grains to brew beer because of its distinct taste.

An Ancient Grain

Spelt was believed to have been first grown and used in the Middle East and in Europe as far back as between 5,000 to 8,000 years ago. It was even mentioned in the Old Testament and was found in most Stone Age excavations.

It remains unchanged until now by different modern agricultural concepts — cross-breeding, hybridization, and genetic modification over the years.

Nutritional Benefits

  1. High fiber content – facilitates healthy digestion, speeds up absorptions of nutrients, reduces any digestive problems, lowers cholesterol and manages blood glucose by regulating the release of insulin in the body
  2. High levels of iron and copper – enhance red blood cell production, boost circulation and energy levels in the body
  3. Niacin – an essential vitamin which is important in the secretion of sex hormones
  4. Minerals (zinc, magnesium, selenium, phosphorous) – partakes in healthy bone development to prevent osteoporosis and other age-related diseases which can degrade the bones
  5. Phosphorous – has significant role in body’s growth and development
  6. Thiamin – stimulates the defense mechanism of the body, promotes calmness and ease stress
  7. Calcium – for healthier bones


You must be aware that spelt contains gluten which is the allergen responsible for Celiac disease.

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