Super Seeds – Best Things Come In Small Packages

They say “Sometimes best things come in small packages”, this is so true with plant seeds. They are tiny in size but super-packed with essential nutrients needed by the body. They are ideal to add to your daily meal to ensure you’re eating a balanced diet.

Today, seeds are becoming more popular in stores or markets, finding them in different preparations and packaging because of the ‘super seed hype’. They are excellent add-ons to various kinds of beverage — or added as an ingredient in bars, snacks, and baked goodies to intensify nutrient content. Most of them are even processed to extract oil and applied topically for a healthier skin.

According to a data collected from the previous year, most expert dietitians and nutritionists stated that seeds will top the super food trend this 2017.

Curious what are these so-called ‘super seeds’? Here’s what you should know.

  1. Chia seeds 
    Chia seeds are incredible sources of fiber, iron, folate, calcium, and magnesium. They are also the richest plant-based source of omega-3 fatty acid (alpha-linolenic acid).
  1. Hemp seeds
    Hemp seeds contain all of the 20 amino acids. And because of this substantial protein, hemp seeds became the favorite of most vegans and muscle-toning fanatics. They also contain omega-3,-6 (gamma-linolenic acid) fatty acids; antioxidants, zinc and vitamin E.For your information, this seed is a member of Cannabis family together with marijuana, but it lacks marijuana’s active ingredient, the THC – tetrahydrocannabinol. So eating hemp seeds will not give you the same effect as smoking marijuana.
  1. Flax seeds
    Brown, nutty flax seeds has omega-3 fatty acid and cancer-fighting lignans. It has Vitamin E which protects the skin against common dermal problem.
  1. Pumpkin seeds
    ‘Pepitas’ or Pumpkin seeds are loaded with iron; hence they are known as a snack perfect for travelers especially backpackers. They are usually added to granola bars and trail mix recipes to help maintain high energy levels. Other nutrients are zinc, magnesium and protein.
  1. Wheat germ
    A slightly sweet seed and a small part of wheat kernel. It has inulin fiber which maintains good digestion and prevents constipation.
  1. Sesame seeds
    Small seeds and commonly added to most Asian recipes. They are rich with omega-6 fatty acid which controls bad cholesterol and keeps the heart healthy.
  1. Pomegranate seeds
    Seeds or arils of a pomegranate are low in calories so they are gentle to the heart. It has antioxidants against infections and polyphenols for memory enhancement.

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