Types Of Seated Meditation

Meditation is a powerful practice which you can do everyday. It brings peace, calmness, and serenity after each session. It can transform your life and inspire you to reach your full potential.

In general, people with very good meditative skills generally have better mental and emotional fitness.

There are several types of meditation around the world –– seated or dynamic — each with its own set of benefits. Meditation can also be classified according to the way you focus your attention to.

You may perform them anywhere at anytime especially if you equipped with good skills. However it is still advisable that you find yourself a place where you are comfortable and undisturb.

Moreover, meditation guides are readily available.

For beginners, it is best to get informed on how to develop the right attitude and start a habit of meditation.

Seated Meditation

Since there are plenty of meditation techniques, below are just some of the more popular seated meditation practices commonly used. So, read on and find out what fits you.

Note: These are usually done on the floor, over a mat or cushion with crossed legs and palms up — or on a chair with a straight spine and both feet flat on the floor.


Zen or Zazen is a traditional meditative discipline used by monks in a Buddhist temple. It is more about focusing on your breathing and remaining into the nature of your existence.


Vipassana stands for insight or seeing things as they really are. This is one of the oldest meditation practiced by most people in India, and Buddhists.

As you close your eyes, concentrate on the air passing in and out of your nostrils, your abdominal movements and other sensations – feelings, sounds and smelling.


It is a Pali word which means kindness, good will and benevolence. This practice originated from Therabatas and Tibetans.

This meditation promotes compassion to others, enhances positive emotions and self-acceptance of your purpose in life.



Mantra or also known as OM Meditation, is a Hindu and Buddhist practice. This helps you to focus especially if your mind is overloaded with so many thoughts.

Mantras are words whispered in your ear to help you focus. It is the practitioner who will usually say the word/s softly and you will repeat them over and over again.

Examples of mantras are: om, so-ham, yam, om namah shivaya, ham and om mani padme hum.


A Buddhist and Hindu teaching which focuses on the energy points within the body.  And as you concentrate on your breathing, the energy from these centers will change your state of consciousness for healing benefits.


This is a Chinese holistic approach which combines physical and meditation skills to circulate your ‘qi’ or energy through out your body. This will control your reactions to stress.

Qigong coordinates good posture, movements and breathing to achieve the balance of your energy.

Nada Yoga

Also known as ‘The Yoga of Sound’ and is very popular in India. As the name implies, it uses sounds as a means of meditation.

Calmly sing any sound, continue breathing and you will feel relaxed. At some point, healing takes place with just the vibration of sounds touching your inner soul.


This is an excellent mind-calming practice prior to meditation. It regulates your breathing to balance your mood and appease the body.

Most commonly taught control of breathing is 4-4-4-4 counting. This means 4 counts of breathing through your nose – 4 seconds of holding, 4 seconds of exhaling, 4 seconds of holding again.


A Taoist sitting and emptying meditation. This type is said to make you forget everything which causes mental stress and anguish.

As you empty your mind, you will gradually feel inner peace and your energy will be replenished.

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